good timing...
just when i was about to further fall into the endless pit of self-doubt, there came a sms from ah guo, the production manager for both james and mui's film i was involved in. i was invited to a party held at the coconut house to celebrate mui's achievement in busan, korea. she won the festival's best film and also the fipresci award. what a story, she admitted she was very lucky indeed.

the toast and mui gave her speech.
the amazing part of the party was mui didn't only invite those people who was involved in the films, but also almost everyone in the indie scene. it is so cool to think that she wanted to celebrate the achievement of the indie filmmaking scene on top of her own achievement.
further good news was azharr rudin's short film ' majidee' also picked up a prize in sundance. like pete teo said, 'malaysians are everywhere!'
with everyone talking about their plans and life, there came this inevitable question, 'so when is your feature?'
usually i would simply reply 'i'm writing'. it seems to be the safest answer i could think of, most of the time. but this time with all the good chi flowing in the room, and the support everyone seems to be giving everyone, i replied with more assurance.
'hopefully by next year'. it took on a whole different meaning this time.

the futsal dreamteam (from left): hardesh, seng tat, azharr rudin, ming jin, me

album signing session with pete teo (not in program list)

cast and crew of 'love conquers all' (in cinema december 2006)

cast and crew of 'before we fall in love again' (in cinema next year)
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